Sunday, July 27, 2014

Comparison- The Thief of Joy

Hi Villagers!!!!!! How are you all??? So I have a question for you today... Have you ever compared yourself to someone? As a creative person, I would be lying if I said I never compared myself to others. I heard someone say the other day “Comparison will make you discontent and insecure because 1) you are not where others are or 2) make you prideful because you see where your at and others are not.” This hit me so hard! Right between my comparing eyes! What a false sense of identity! True security and identity comes when you have absolutely NOTHING to prove and you content with the fact that you are a child of God, nothing more and nothing less. Psalms 139 talks about how we are fearfully and wonderfully made in our mother’s womb. Never does it say that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by what others think about us or because we have arrived in the world’s eyes. The success of heaven is completely different than the world we live in. It’s time that we become secure in who we are in the Lord and make room for others. I believe there is a time coming where generations will be more concerned about letting others shine than ourselves. There is room for everyone. Think how differently this world and our culture would be if we were so secure in our own identities and callings and made room for everyone’s gifts to be seen. Our churches would be different. Our music would be different. Our friendships and families would be different. Our movies would be different. Our whole culture would be different. Stop comparing yourself to everyone else and take a good look in the mirror. God made you just the way you are! You are beautiful, you are talented, you are intelligent, loved and best of all you are one of kind. Now shine bright :)

"So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets." Matt. 7:12 (The Golden Rule)

Monday, July 21, 2014

Alaskan Adventure

Over the last couple of years, Marco and I have ministered to many native tribes & reservations. Two weeks agoI had the honor to travel with my whole family to the most Northern city in the North American- Barrow, Alaska. We got to be apart of an amazing camp for teenagers of the Northern Slope, Impact Camp. We had so much fun!!!! Even Destiny had a blast :)  Marco taught a hip hop class. These kids are so major talented! They wrote a song, recorded it, shot a music video & performed it.... All in 4 days!!!!!!!! We will be posting the video so you can all watch it. For now, check out some  of video updates here: Xoxo